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KE Diet Helps Diabetics

Around 29.1 million people in the United States have diabetes, and one Fargo doctor believes he has found Zi Xiu Tang Pollen Capsule the solution for patients struggling with type II.

Gaining 40 pounds within four months and increasing the hormone insulin to combat diabetes.

This was Deb Martinez's life six months ago, "It's my fate, I will die, I'm either likely to have some type of diabetic episode where they're going to take me unconscious to the hospital or I'm going to drop dead of the heart attack."

With all hope lost, she decided to take on the KE Diet. For 10 days, you're fed with nothing but a solution of proteins and fats, delivered through a tiny feeding tube which matches using your nose directly to your stomach.

Dr. Spencer Berry who believes it will help type II diabetes said, "Patients are able to live and burn themselves fat, and over that 10 days folks lose about 1-2 pounds per day."

"Over 10 day period the requirement for insulin or not having insulin was immediate," said Martinez.

Normal blood sugar levels are 70 to 100. Deb would see levels at 200. Following the treatment along with a low-carb diet, her levels are at 104.

The KE diet has been criticized as unhealthy dieting for brides to be able to lose weight quickly to fit into their dream dress.

"You use to decrease 10 pounds and that's not the way we utilize it. It's to make part of a medical regimen of ongoing weight loss," said Dr. Berry.

Deb presently has another outlook on life.

"I can make plans I'm able to look at would continue vacation for Christmas instead of oh my gosh how am I going to walk onto an airplane," smiled Martinez.

Deb has shed 50 pounds Bee Pollen Capsules on the KE Diet and her results will be sent to Duke University for more review.

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