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Take steps during Diabetes Month being

November is National Diabetes Month, a period to shine a spotlight on the ailment that impacts greater than Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen 29 million us citizens.

About 28 percent of those folks are not aware that they have diabetes and are not receiving treatment, which could take their lives at risk.

Eighty-six million Americans 20 or older have pre-diabetes, a disorder that increases their chance of developing type 2 diabetes.

Should you or perhaps a family member has diabetes or pre-diabetes, you need to remember these useful nutrition tips to help control blood-sugar levels:

- Slim down: The slightest weight loss -- less than Five to ten percent of the body weight -- can improve glucose control.

- Think long-term: Forget crash dieting. Make healthy eating a practice you are able to complete your lifetime. Concentrate on the long-term goals of staying healthy, feeling good, and having a more energetic, higher-quality life.

- Progress, not perfection: Notice that changes happen slowly and strive for daily progress with your nutritional and weight-loss goals. Everyone has moments of weakness, but they should be the exception, not the rule.

- Choose the best foods: Eat foods like vegetables, fruits, cooked whole grains, nonfat dairy products and beans, all of which are naturally low in calories. Increase your fiber intake. Consume a large, low-fat salad every single day. For help, make reference to

- Be careful about your portions: Decrease the size your portions, particularly meats, fats, refined carbohydrates like pretzels, chips, cookies and desserts.

- Exercise: Every time you exercise, you decrease insulin resistance minimizing blood sugar levels. You can enhance your fitness gradually, working your way up to 30 to An hour of continuous activity or several 10-minute intervals throughout the day.

Take the stairs, walk during lunch, do power housework, and find Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face Figure different ways to operate fitness into everyday activity.

Try this healthy diabetic recipe -- before Thanksgiving.

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